
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Halloween Pronouns

I was so excited to use my Pumpkin Pronoun activity with my kids today. So proud of how it turned out. My top group used it first because I knew they could handle it. . . . and then it hit me. . . . . . OH NO! There is a mistake! . . . . and ANOTHER ONE. . . and OH NOT another one!  Jeesh! I thought I had gone over and over that! But I missed them. So now they are fixed and if you haven't picked them up, you  might want to take a look at them.  You can buy them in black and white, in color or both. All three sets have their own prices. Thanks for looking!

Check them out HERE in my TPT Store.


1 comment:

  1. Patty, your Halloween Pronoun game is seriously adorable!

    Ѽ Lori
    Teaching With Love and Laughter


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