
Monday, September 17, 2012

DJ Inkers CD Give AWAY! FREE!

Yea! Today's the big day! I'm so excited for you! I'm also glad you stopped by!

If you have been following me, you know that I'm a huge fan of DJ Inkers. I'm so glad they offered a license and I grabbed it right away. I have had a lot of fun creating things with their clip art. And of course just making up a worksheet is no longer good enough, it has to be cutsified with DJ Inker pics!

I have some REALLY good news to share with you. . . I mean REALLY!

I have a CD of their latest Halloween clipart called 'Spook'Tacular Smiles to give away. . . . yup that's what I said, GIVE AWAY!

It's free . . . .it's brand new. . . . it's still in the plastic shrink wrap. . . and it's loaded with some cool things.
Here is a FREEBIE that I made with this clip art to share with you. There are two worksheets in this Freebie!

I also made this pronoun activity that you can buy at my TPT Store. You can buy it in color or you can buy it in black in white. Or you can even buy it with both! What a deal! I know that some of you are unable to copy in color so with this option you'll be a happy camper  teacher! And your school will be happy too!

There are 18 task cards plus a recording sheet and answer key so this is an independent activity that would be great for centers.

If you are still with me, here's how you can enter to win the DJ Inker Spook'tacular Smiles CD. Use the Rafflecopter below to enter. Leave me a comment about your favorite Halloween activity with your students and follow my TPT Store

If you want to see more of what DJ Inkers has to offer you, click on their title and you'll see all they have for you.

My favorite activity is dimming the lights, putting on scary music, sitting in a circle, calling the spirits to ask the children to not talk during this activity. They are to say no words.

They may make sounds, but no word can cross their lips!

We are going to "feel" the ingredients that go into the Witch's Brew. I use about 10 lunch sacks with words like Franks Toes, (vienna sausages) Dracula's brains, (wet spaghetti) Bat's heart, (canned peach halves) lizard tongues, (pickles sliced the long way in quarters) Ghoul's hair, (pencil shavings from the sharpener) dried Mummy bones, (dry rice) and several others. But the last one is always MUMMY DUST and this is glitter of any color! Their hands are damp from the other things (they do have a paper towel in front of them!) so the glitter sticks nicely to them!

Don't forget to leave your email address too!
I'll want to find you to mail this to you!

I hope you win! So be sure to enter and just maybe you'll be getting an email from me in a few days with the good news!



  1. What a fun giveaway! I love anything and everything Halloween!!!


  2. I love doing a fun Halloween cooking activity like Ghost toast or Worms in The Dirt!! Thanks for a great giveaway Patty!

    <a href=">Surfin' Through Second</a>

  3. Wow! A chance to win a DJ Inkers CD?! How utterly amazing! Thanks, Patty! I love to carve a pumpkin with my students. I love watching their faces as they scoop out the insides. Yuck-e! Thanks for the cute freebie. I am a DJ Inker's lover for sure!

    Ѽ Lori
    Teaching With Love and Laughter

  4. wow!! a WHOLE DJ inkers cd? PHENOM!

  5. I've never used DJ inkers but I sure would love to win and start using them too!!!

    The Busy Busy Hive

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I love D.J. Inkers too! I hope I'm a winner. And thanks for the cute October Adjectives activity! I love it!

  7. This is such a great idea! I have my fingers crossed...totally addicted to clip art! LOL! :) I just became a follower and can't wait to see what else you will have on your blog.

  8. I love your Halloween activities! We carve a pumpkin and make a skeleton! I love DJ Inkers! Thanks for the chance at this great giveaway! :)
    Crayons and Curls

  9. I love DJ Inkers! What a great giveaway! :)

  10. I love making cute Frankensteins!

  11. I love carving a class pumpkin!


  12. ooooh! I'm crossing my fingers on this one!! LOVE me some DJ Inkers!!
    Rowdy in Room 300

  13. I love doing all sorts of activities with pumpkins and bats!

  14. I love LOVE LOVE (did I say love) DJ Inkers!! I hope I win! :)

    First Grade and Fabulous


Thanks for leaving me a comment after grabbing one of my ideas! It's like leaving a tip for a job well done!