
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Yea it's my Birthday!!! $ale $ale $ale!

The end of the month is almost here. . . . so is Halloween. . . . so is my parent's 69th wedding anniversary. . .. . so is MY birthday!
Wow! That's a lot of celebratin' going on. . . . do you want to join in on my party?


You are invited to my party! I wanted to throw a big sale. . . I mean a REALLY BIG sale to honor this birthday. . . I mean. . . I'm turning 50 +    a hem. . . cough cough cough  . . . . ok I'll tell ya. . . I'm turning 57.

Maybe if I don't type it in normal size it won't feel like such a large number!

I also just realized that we can't do 50% off sales. . . what's up with that? Does that bug anyone else? Or did I just not set this up right? If anyone knows, please share that with me!

In case that link above doesn't work, please click here to go to my store.

Recently I asked my followers to guess my age and I can now announce that I am giving two people anything they want from my store.

First was Sandy from Second Grade Spots and Dots. She was so sweet. . . she really and honestly thought I looked 45. So how could I possibly NOT award her with a gift for being so innocently sweet! If you don't know Sandy, please stop by and see her. WE second grade teachers need to stick together. Give her some loving and join her blog. And Sandy, go on over to my TPT store, pick something out, and email me to let me know what you picked.

Second, was Suzy Q. . . she is so intuitive. She guessed exactly 57. . . I don't know if she is just a good guesser or if I just really look 57.  Suzy, please help yourself to one thing from my store, too.  Then email me.

I'm happy to be celebrating with all of you. I'm treating myself to the day off from school on Monday for my birthday. My husband has tickets to go the World Series game in Detroit on Sunday night with one of his aunts. I'm going along to spend time with another one of his aunts whom I dearly love being with. His brother and wife are flying in from Florida to also go to the game and I love these two people too. We'll all spend the night with the Aunties and will be able to do things together on Monday. That's a perfect way to spend your birthday isn't it? (Well, except for the 4 and a half hours of lesson planning that I did today to get ready for it! )

Come back on Monday all day long. . . while I'm NOT at school . . . and while you all are. . . and shop to your heart's content!

Happy Shopping!




  1. Wow, That is so awesome that your parents will have been married for 69 years. That is just AMAZING!!
    Happy birthday too!
    The Hive

  2. Happy birthday, sweet Patty! You are so young at heart - it doesn't matter what that number is!!!!!

    Big gigantic hugs to you...when are we getting together again Bloggy Buddy?

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  3. Patty, Happy birthday & congrats on every happy happening going on! Adorable blog, I just found you! I am a new 2nd grade blogger, so it's nice to meet you! You are so fun & funny to read. You sound very young & youthful in your posts!! Please stop by for a visit, I'd love to have you!
    Amy Howbert

    Little Miss Organized

  4. Happy (belated) birthday! I seem to be on a winning streak lately...yours is the third thing I've won recently. (Maybe I should be playing the lottery instead?)

    I would love a copy of your contraction spelling packet (the one with the school bus). Couldn't find your email address, so hope you read this!

    tokyoshoes (at) hotmail (dot) com


Thanks for leaving me a comment after grabbing one of my ideas! It's like leaving a tip for a job well done!