
Monday, March 10, 2025

There's Some Nonsense in March!


Hello MARCH! It's so nice to see you! It means that we in Michigan have survived the winter and pretty much know that most of the snow is done. (although it's snowing as I write this!) Spring is right around the corner and I am ready. I want to get outside without being all bundled up. I bet you do too.

I want to share some of my newest products with you. This NONSENSE WORD set is created in black and white so you can save on colored ink and print on colored paper or cardstock instead. It lets your students practice reading nonsense words with short vowels and blends (and some digraphs) in them. It's currently at half off for a couple more days. So if you'd like this, grab it soon.

You can click the picture to go to my store and this product.

This set of Nonsense Words below, takes the thought process a little deeper. This set uses blends and digraphs with three letter chunks. It is also in black and white. There is a set in color if you'd like to see that click HERE.

Click HERE to see the black and white set.

As you know this is prime learning time. Your student's brains are like sponges right now. They have all the holidays out of their system and they are READY to learn. Take advantage of this time and help your students grow their brains.

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