I'm joining Cyndie Dunn at Chalk One Up for the Teacher and many other friends for a fun way to spend your summer. Every Tuesday we will offer 2 of our products at 50% off. You will be able to find them by typing in #2forTuesday in TPT's search bar and all the products on sale will pop up. They will only be on sale for that Tuesday.
Today the two products that will be half off are:
These task cards help students see which equation fits the story problem best. More practice with these, gives them more confidence on assessments.
These can be put together with the question on top and the answer underneath. This way the kids will read the joke, then lift the apple up to see the answer. You have all summer long to get these ready for the fall.
I hope you enjoyed this and will come back again next week to see what else is on sale.
Maybe you have something on your wish list that you want of mine. I'll take some suggestions if anyone wants to let me know what they'd like to see at 50% off this summer.