Friday, January 20, 2017


Today is a very important historical day for the citizens of United States. 
Inauguration Day signifies the day we officially start the new presidency.

There is a lot of controversy this year over the choice that our people picked for president.  Like it or not, we need to put on our big girl panties and move along with it. 

We have choices. We can choose to be angry and complain. Or we can choose to be nice and try to spread goodness everywhere. I choose the latter. 

In honor of that I want to share a forever freebie with you today. 

Click the picture to get this activity.

I'm going to use a book by Maria Dismondy to help your students also see how niceness is far better than being ugly. 

Maria's book called Chocolate Milk, Por Favor helps to teach your students about empathy and diversity. 

I read it to a group of kindergarteners last year. You can click HERE to read about that. I was truly amazed at how well even those littles could feel sad for Gabe in the story. They got it! They understood his pain. That's empathy! It's not hard to teach about it, and this book helps reinforce it!

I have created a packet of things that you can do with this book to help your students understand the importance of being kind to others. You can click the picture above to go to the freebie. 

Or Click this picture to go to my store.

You can also search in TPT for more freebies. Just use these in the search bar:

I hope you will use many of these freebies to teach your students right from wrong and how to hold their country together with kindness. 

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