Monday, January 16, 2017

Transportation Day is Hands ON!

Transportation Day is a fun day outside where police, firefighters, school bus drivers, farmers, and more bring their vehicles for children to learn about and explore. Learn how Transportation Day works at this teacher's school, and get ideas for how you can start Transportation Day at your school.

Every spring the kindergarteners get to see, feel, and hear about many kinds of transportation that they may or may not have ever seen up close. Trucks, tractors, police cars, ambulances, fire trucks, electric service trucks, motorcycles, Amish horses and buggies, bicycles, buses, combines, and mail trucks are just a few of the vehicles that gather together.

We have a large parking lot that is empty during the day. All of the vehicles can gather here and give everyone plenty of room to see everything. The kindergarteners from three buildings are bussed here for about an hour-and-a-half to see everything.
Transportation Day is a fun day outside where police, firefighters, school bus drivers, farmers, and more bring their vehicles for children to learn about and explore. Learn how Transportation Day works at this teacher's school, and get ideas for how you can start Transportation Day at your school.
The students get to talk to the people who drive those vehicles and often get to climb right inside, too.

Transportation Day is a fun day outside where police, firefighters, school bus drivers, farmers, and more bring their vehicles for children to learn about and explore. Learn how Transportation Day works at this teacher's school, and get ideas for how you can start Transportation Day at your school.

Their imaginations run wild thinking about how fun it would be to actually drive one of these. (Don’t worry: No keys were left in any of the vehicles!)

Transportation Day is a fun day outside where police, firefighters, school bus drivers, farmers, and more bring their vehicles for children to learn about and explore. Learn how Transportation Day works at this teacher's school, and get ideas for how you can start Transportation Day at your school.
They may have seen a combine in a field working, but to actually climb up in this huge machine was so worth it!

Transportation Day is a fun day outside where police, firefighters, school bus drivers, farmers, and more bring their vehicles for children to learn about and explore. Learn how Transportation Day works at this teacher's school, and get ideas for how you can start Transportation Day at your school.
We share the roads with the Amish in our community. So, to see what’s it’s like inside a buggy was very exciting. 
Transportation Day is a fun day outside where police, firefighters, school bus drivers, farmers, and more bring their vehicles for children to learn about and explore. Learn how Transportation Day works at this teacher's school, and get ideas for how you can start Transportation Day at your school.

Transportation Day is a fun day outside where police, firefighters, school bus drivers, farmers, and more bring their vehicles for children to learn about and explore. Learn how Transportation Day works at this teacher's school, and get ideas for how you can start Transportation Day at your school.
They are amazed at the size of some of the larger machines.

Transportation Day is a fun day outside where police, firefighters, school bus drivers, farmers, and more bring their vehicles for children to learn about and explore. Learn how Transportation Day works at this teacher's school, and get ideas for how you can start Transportation Day at your school.

Transportation Day is a fun day outside where police, firefighters, school bus drivers, farmers, and more bring their vehicles for children to learn about and explore. Learn how Transportation Day works at this teacher's school, and get ideas for how you can start Transportation Day at your school.

Transportation Day is a fun day outside where police, firefighters, school bus drivers, farmers, and more bring their vehicles for children to learn about and explore. Learn how Transportation Day works at this teacher's school, and get ideas for how you can start Transportation Day at your school.

Transportation Day is a fun day outside where police, firefighters, school bus drivers, farmers, and more bring their vehicles for children to learn about and explore. Learn how Transportation Day works at this teacher's school, and get ideas for how you can start Transportation Day at your school.

They got to see how long the bed of the semi truck is! Running through it and screeching is louder than they thought!
Transportation Day is a fun day outside where police, firefighters, school bus drivers, farmers, and more bring their vehicles for children to learn about and explore. Learn how Transportation Day works at this teacher's school, and get ideas for how you can start Transportation Day at your school.
This little lady got to see what it’s like to ride in an ambulance, before she ever needs to.

Transportation Day is a fun day outside where police, firefighters, school bus drivers, farmers, and more bring their vehicles for children to learn about and explore. Learn how Transportation Day works at this teacher's school, and get ideas for how you can start Transportation Day at your school.
It’s pretty cool to see a car that’s shorter than a kindergartener!

Transportation Day is a fun day outside where police, firefighters, school bus drivers, farmers, and more bring their vehicles for children to learn about and explore. Learn how Transportation Day works at this teacher's school, and get ideas for how you can start Transportation Day at your school.
They get to actually practice safely getting out of the back of the bus, in case they ever need to do so.
Transportation Day is a fun day outside where police, firefighters, school bus drivers, farmers, and more bring their vehicles for children to learn about and explore. Learn how Transportation Day works at this teacher's school, and get ideas for how you can start Transportation Day at your school.
Besides having fun on this day, they learn a lot about many different kinds of vehicles, and many children form ideas about what they want to be when they grow up.

Transportation Day is a fun day outside where police, firefighters, school bus drivers, farmers, and more bring their vehicles for children to learn about and explore. Learn how Transportation Day works at this teacher's school, and get ideas for how you can start Transportation Day at your school.
If this is something that you would like to do for your students, then you might want to start planning it now!

1 comment:

  1. What a great hands on approach to learning about transportation. They get so much more out of this type of experience rather than teaching them with just books or videos. Awesome! Thanks for sharing this memorable outdoor experience. As a kindergarten teacher I can relate to how much joy this
    learning experience this was for your students.


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