Monday, July 23, 2012

Tell Me More - Am I Normal?

Tell me more, tell me more!!! {A Linky Party}  with Step into 2nd Grade

So this Linky Party wants us to share some things about ourselves. . . hmmm . . . ok. . . here goes.

1. I like to make those dots after I write something. . .. . . I think they have a name. . . . I think they are called elipse. . . is that right? I know they mean MORE TO COME! I love to teach that to my students and they love to look for them . . . . in books. .. . Sorry, sometimes I just get carried away with them.

2. I've been teaching since 1978 (Yes, I know. . . some of you were not even a blip on the radar in 78!) I could retire, but it's just not in me yet. I have ALWAYS taught 2nd grade. One year I started the year teaching a split 1/2nd class but that only lasted 6 weeks. A few years back I taught half day first grade and half day 2nd grade but only math and science. That's a whole lot of time with 7-8 year olds. Maybe that's why I still feel like a kid on most days. . . . I've never really grown up!

3. I have 2 kids who are both teachers and who are both married to teachers. My husband is a teacher, retired for two years and has been asked to come back and teach two classes this fall. My grandmother was a teacher, as is one of my sisters and my niece. I have a brother-in-law who was a teacher then principal and is now retired. I have another brother-in-law and sister-in-law who are also teachers and principals! Guess what we talk about when we get together?

4. I have been married for 32 years this summer. That's almost as long as I have been teaching!

5. My husband thinks that all of you that read my blog are make believe. He calls you my "cyber friends."

6. I teach in a small building. . . 6 classrooms, a gym, a music/art room, and a library. That's it! 2 kinders, 2 firsts, and 2 seconds.

7. I was called a brat a lot as a child. .. . I think I probably deserved it. . . but that taught me to NEVER call my own kids or my students names, because I remember the hurt.

8. My kids say I'm a gamer. . . I do enjoy playing games on my ipad, Hanging with Friends, Draw Something, Family Feud, and my newest: Matching with Friends. This causes me to stay up till midnight even though I have to get up around 6 each morning.

9. I also am a reality TV freak. . . Yup, I'm hooked on Big Brother, Bachelor and Bachelorette, Dancing with the Stars, and The Apprentice.

10. I like to use the !!! key a lot.  I think sometimes I feel that my life is so exciting and that everyone must want to know about all the fun things going on in my life! I want to express that in my writing. . . maybe I think that shows voice in my writing.. .. ya think?

Now it's your turn. Click on the Red Link above and add your name to Amy Lemons party.



  1. I hope you and your family don't just talk about teaching!! I thought I had a lot of teachers in my family, but I think you've got us beat!! We always end up talking about school, no matter what so I understand completely! :)

    Following Optimism in 2nd Grade

  2. I enjoyed getting to know you! My husband thinks of my blog buddies as my imaginary friends!
    Owl Things First

  3. Hey Patty! I loved reading your facts about yourself and your comment on my blog. Our dads do sound alike. Wow! I can't believe how many teachers you have in your family! My dad is a teacher and my cousin is too. I also teach in a school that only goes to 2nd grade but we have 5 classes per grade...a few more than you. Have a good week!

    Swimming into Second

  4. Thanks for visiting my blog! I would love to have that many teachers in the family - you must have fun and loud Thanksgiving Dinners! If you lived in Southern California I'd invite you for snacks and reality TV!!

    Second Grade Sparkle

  5. Ha, I love using the !! key a lot too, because I'm a happy & excited person lol. I enjoyed getting to know more about you! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  6. It was great meeting you today, Patty! I loved reading your Tell Me More. I cannot believe the amount of teachers you have in your family... ohmyword! I've taught Pre-K, K, 1, and 2... and think that second is the best ;)

    EduKate and Inspire

  7. Wishing i as as close to retirement as you are! Seems as though u love to teach and that you have had a very rewarding teaching career! Found you through the link up!



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