Sunday, July 22, 2012

My TPT shelves have STUFF now!

Do you see it? It's right over there on the right hand side!!!

I am now the proud owner of a little sign that says I HAVE A STORE!!!
Can I get a whoop whoop?

If you just click on that RED letters above, it will swiftly and smoothly take you on a whirlwind trip to my store. Small but still a store! There's even a couple freebies there in case you didn't see them before.

Please Please Please let me know if you stop by there. . . I want to feel the lovin of those who think it's a decent start of a store. . . . and then come back often because I just might add a few more things in the next few weeks.

Today I added a couple more things. I'm starting out small and cheap. . . not that I don't take pride in my work, I just think these are simple little things that I've made. However, simple or not, these activities will stretch your student's brains and make them think a little differently I hope! I have no crystal ball, just my own opinion!

I'm counting the days to next Sunday when I get to meet so many of you at the Michigan Meet Up! I think this will be fun, interesting and probably confusing to remember the names of the people and the names of their blogs.

Will we wear nametags? Should we? How will we all talk at one time and possibly hear what everyone else is saying? Wait a minute. . . this will be no different from when my family gets together. In fact, the day before we are having a family reunion with many members whom I haven't seen in years. I'm sure they won't remember my name, or who I'm connected to. . . so will we wear nametags? Should we? How do we all talk .  . wait, that's just repeating everything above. . . . . ok, you get the picture!

Time for Big Brother. . . . I'll be back soon



  1. Congratulations on your store! Best of luck to you. It looks great. I became a follower of your store so I know when you add more items.

    Have fun at your Michigan blogger meet up. We just had one in the Chicago area and it was a lot of fun.

    Ms. Fiorini’s Stadium

  2. Congratulations on your store. Good luck! This TPT addict is following your store!
    Enjoy your blogger meet up!
    Where Seconds Count

  3. Congrats on your store! I've been working on making your centers from your blog and I can't wait to see what you have!!

    Following Optimism in 2nd Grade

  4. yay for your newe tpt store... such a great feeling right? im your newest follower..drop by =)

    Just Wild About Teaching


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