Thursday, May 10, 2012

Help a friend reach 100! and Win!

Now that I have felt the love of reaching 100 followers, I'd like to help another friend reach that level of love! Go to visit Michelle at  Our Sweet Success

And while you're at it, take a look at Second Grade Sparkle She is looking for some new followers too. I just fixed this, because I noticed it wasn't working . .. now it is!

It's crazy at this time of year isn't it? I feel so scatterbrained and wonder if others are noticing it? You all know what I'm talking about. We think things are going smoothly and you take a minute to breathe, and then you realize you are way behind because there was something else you were suppose to do by a certain date! YIKES!

I have the best class possible this year. . . (even though lately, they are choosing to be more chatty than I've ever heard them!) and yet, I'm still doing the countdown to the end of the year. Not actually doing it, but I know that it's there!

And the class that is coming up next year, could be a nightmare  the reason I should retire THIS year. . . But I won't. I love this profession so much. . I'm here for a while longer!

But hey, tomorrow's Friday. . .Let it be shouted from the mountain tops. . . . . 

I love Fridays!!!! 



  1. I just checked out Our Sweet Success. SUPER cute blog! Thanks for sending me over!

    Also, I manually entered you into our giveaway for liking me on Facebook and for following Second Grade Sparkle. Sorry you couldn't get it to work! :/

  2. Just found your site and am your newest follower. I'm new to blogging so I love reading suggestions of other blogs to visit. I'm heading over to check out all of the ones you mentioned. Stop by my blog if you have the chance :)


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