Wednesday, May 2, 2012

100 + more new blogs

I made it! I reached 100. .  in fact I'm over 100. Do you remember how that feels? All of you who are sitting at numbers so much higher than me?

It is exuberation! (is that a word?)

It's accomplishment! (Well I did work hard at finding all of you!)

It is worth telling you about so you can go find someone else who is needing this same feeling.

I have found some other blogs who would love to have you as a friend. Please stop in and visit them. And if you do add their blog to your list, please remember to update your blogs you follow so their name shows up when they post new messages. That IS how we see who to check out.

Here are some that you might be interested in:

Sandra at Classroom Companion
Ashley at live to learn
Kelley at Teacher Idea Factory
Jill at Tales From Second

Ok Friends, Let's share the love on this Wednesday in May!



  1. Patty . . . you rock! Thank you so much for the awesome shout out this morning :). I cannot thank you enough! Congrats on making it to the big ONE-OH-OH.

    Kelley Dolling
    Teacher Idea Factory

  2. Hooray! I DO remember how exciting that was! :)

    I saw your son today- I told him you were my best blog friend! LOL

    Mrs. Bainbridge's Blog

  3. Congrats on 100! I just got there myself so I do know what that exuberation feels like. I think it is a word:>! Thank you for the shout out about my blog. Every shout out helps! You are too sweet!


  4. And I forgot to mention that I mentioned your blog today on my blog! I am in love with the way you reward students for reaching their Otter Creek goals by standing on desks and window ledges. I shared it for What I'm Pinning Wednesday! Just love!


  5. Thank You so much for mentioning my blog. I just hit 100 followers today. I just posted a Thirty-One giveaway. Be sure to enter. I plan on giving thanks to all blogging friends this week. I will be mentioning your blog and sending folks your way. Thanks again, I really appreciate the support!
    Classroom Companion

  6. Hi! Found your blog today! I am your newest follower:) Stop by and visit me...


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