Thursday, March 22, 2012

Not tonight . . . . dear!

This is just a quick note, because I don't have time to blog.  . . .

I don't. . . . So don't try to nudge me into doing it!

I have to seriously put my nose to the grindstone and finish my report cards! FINISH!
As in get them done, fill in all those little boxes, write something nice about everyone. EV. ER. Y. ONE!
NICE! not negative. . . encouraging,. . . and progressively positive. . . hmmmm. oh  we'll see. . .

So if you see me here, would some one please slap me back into my report cards? They have to go home tomorrow. . . or else. . . . . they'll go home on Monday. .. . (hey that wouldn't be so bad would it?)

After tonight, I'll be free to post something more exciting. . . . Stay tuned.


1 comment:

  1. I am glad you could pop in...I see I am not the only one who would rather be blogging than doing report cards! We sent them home on Thursday...we have computer generated ones so at least that goes more quickly.

    I hope you have a blessed weekend! =)

    Heather's Heart


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