Saturday, March 24, 2012

blog help and a BABY on the way!

I still feel very new to this, BUT with the help of many others and some very good tutorials, I have been able to learn much more about cutsifying my blog. I went to for some free things. . . and ya all know we love free! I listened to her advice on how to change my header. . . and thus, I have something new to share! She advises going to Foto Flexer to add your photos. It was so very clear and easy to do. . . Thanks so much Shabby Blogs!

Whew! The report cards are done. . . and while they are on the computer in a program called Data Director, they still require a lot of assessments and checking ahead of time before I can enter all of the data. We have our report cards lined up with the common core standards which means a lot more things have to be checked and accounted for. It's much more informative, but it's a pain. . . thank goodness it's only 3 times a year since we are on trimesters.

I think I have shared this before, but my husband and I will be grandparents for the first time in early June. Perfect timing for teachers, (which our son and daughter-in-law are) except that we are in school until June 14th. . . I can see already that those last two weeks will feel really long when I would rather be holding that baby!!! I thought I'd share a picture of her with you. Each week she posts this on FB and changes the numbers to coordinate with the week. It's been a big hit with our friends and family.

I hope to make some more fun activities this week. But for now, I'm going to get my Easter decorations up in my home and enjoy this nice weather.


  1. Love the look on your blog :) Header looks great!

    And what a cute idea about baby pictures! I have a friend who is overdue now and she wants baby Caden to come out now! Lol.

    Journey of a Substitute Teacher

  2. Hello!
    front yard back yard! aaaaaaah! I was told backyard by two people, but I am now hearing front yard too. Both of them sold so I hope St. Joseph is ok with either!!!!
    congrats on the grand daughter on the way! How exciting!

  3. Congrats on the new grandbaby, very exciting!! I also like your new blog design, great job:) I've learned alot from Shabby Blogs too;)

    Surfin' Through Second


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