Monday, March 13, 2023

March Mathness Fun Read About it and Then go Vote!

 I am joining several friends to share some great math resources for you during the month of March.  You will have a chance to grab some freebies, purchase some terrific math products at discounted prices, and even have the chance to win some TPT gift cards. YOU don't want to miss out on this. 

But for now, I want to share some great problem solving products for you. In fact, I hope you think these products are the best you've seen.  Then vote in the "tournament" for which math activity (which group) you enjoyed the most and at that time, when you vote, you'll be entered to win the $100 TpT gift card (that's the only way to be entered in the giveaway each time).

This first one helps your students organize their thoughts to show how they found the correct answers. With only 4 problems on a page, they won't get overwhelmed with too many to solve while they are still figuring out the process.

Click the picture to go to this product in my store. 

This Valentine story problems are great for a center or small group work. Once they are printed and laminated and cut apart, the students can try to match up the story problem with the correct way to solve that problem . 

Click the picture to go to this product in my store. 

What's the Equation lets your students try to find the equation that best answers the problem. There are 3 choices given that make them think and decide the best path to get the answer.
Click the picture to go to this product in my store. 

And now for the best part. . . it's time to look at the others and see what they are sharing with you.

Click the button below to head over to where it all gets started! There you will find the teams and the links to their courts (math blog posts to vote on). The ball is in your court!

Continue on to the March Mathness Activities by clicking the button below.

And be sure that you grabbed this freebie now because in April it will no longer be free!

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