Tuesday, February 19, 2019

How to Update Purchases & Find Out if You Need to Leave Feedback

If you have some down time. . ya right! ha ha ha!
 Down time! What's that!

I have something you could do! I just spent about a half hour going through my TPT purchases. I updated any that had new revisions, and I also left feedback for things I somehow forgot to leave feedback for. 

First you need to go to your page on TPT. That's when you click on your own name that is in bold print. There you will see this picture. 

When you click on My Purchases, you'll then see Paid Purchases and Free Downloads. 

I checked in my paid purchases and in my free downloads too. Both of those areas have ways to check for recent revisions, and feedback that needs to be provided. 
You might be thinking. . . why do I need to leave feedback? 

Well the first reason is that it's a kind and considerate thing to do. Your mama certainly taught you to use your manners, and this is a great chance to show your mama that you were listening! 
The second reason is because you get credits for leaving feedback on paid items. Those credits add up to $$ off your next purchase.  Now you don't get credits for leaving feedback on free things, but it really does help the seller know how you feel about the product and it is just plain good manners. . . remember what your mama taught you!!

It's not that hard to do was it?  Now doesn't that feel better?
I hope that helps you find some extra credits so you can go shopping sometime! 

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