Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Christmas Around the World Giveaway!

If you have been here before, then you know I'm a huge fan of DJ Inkers. Let me tell you, that YOU too, can be a fan. I'm about to give away a set called Holidays Around the World

It includes 7 different places with clip art, printables & fun facts for each one. (There's Australia, Germany, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Mexico, Scandinavia & the USA.)
Holidays Around the World clip art

I created a project from this clipart, that includes 3 of those places. It is yours for free for a short amount of time. Click here to grab it. This would be great for 2nd or 3rd grade students. Besides helping them with comprehension, it's also a great way to help them compare the countries to see how they are alike and different. 

 This set shows the traditions of Africa, Germany, and Mexico. With this set your students can work in a center or small group to read about each country and then match up the four fact cards for each place. 

There is also a black and white set for the students to color and put together in a booklet to take home. 

Did you know that DJ Inker's is having  12 Holly Daze Sale from December 1-12, 2016. You can read more about it by clicking on these blue letters. Click on the red letters to go to their store and take advantage of their fun stuff! If you sign up for their newsletter, then you'll be notified right away. If you are already a newsletter subscriber, then you know they send you a lot of freebies. Who doesn't love their freebies?

 Would you like to win this clipart set? Just enter the rafflecopter below and cross your fingers. Maybe you'll win. 

I wish you the best of luck and hope that you are my lucky winner. 

1 comment:

  1. I love how you "seasonalize" your blog! Plus, I love DJ Inkers, too!


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