Monday, September 5, 2016

Sit Spots For YOU! Would You Like to Win Some?

I am a huge fan of Sit Spots. 
Have you heard of them or seen them?

Sit Spots are a velcro fabric made in many colors and shapes. They stick to your carpet so you can have kids line up easier or know where you want them to sit. 

You can read more about them in a post I did a few years ago. Click HERE to read and see more pictures.  In this post I was giving away a set of them to one lucky winner. 

This picture above shows how they stick to your carpeting. They DO NOT stick to most rugs. If you're not sure, you can just contact Joyce at Sit Spots HERE and she'll send you a sample to see if it will stick. 

The custodians love them because they can vacuum right over them and they don't come up. 

Some teachers write on them to number them or put a student's name on them. If you do that, sometimes you can get the writing off using a Tide Pen. 

Below you can see the before and after Sit Spots. I prescrubbed with Dawn soap, and then put in the dishwasher. These are the exact same spots in these two pictures.  It's amazing how well they cleaned up. These stains were mainly chocolate milk and other food stains. 
They came out very clean. Ready for a new year to begin. These spots have been used for 2 full years. They are ready for their 3rd year. 



This picture shows all of them drying in the sun on my deck.

They have many shapes and colors that you can look at HERE

If you have any more questions about these, please ask them in the comment section below. I will get back to you. 

Now for the great news!!! I'm going to give away one set of Sit Spots to one lucky winner. 

Enter the Rafflecopter and cross your fingers. The winner will be announced soon.
This post contains affiliate links for your shopping convenience.  Any purchases made through one of my links earns me a small commission, which helps to support the blog so I can continue sharing content like this with you.  All views and opinions expressed are purely my own.


  1. Wonderful! Glad for the opportunity to win for my classroom. Thanks! Have a great school year!!!

  2. Ahh! This makes me so excited!! I did mess up though...I shared on my facebook page but hit "enter" before giving you the link: :)

    1. That's ok. I got cha down for sharing Jessica. Thank you!

    2. Jessica, I'm not finding where you shared it. Can you leave me the link here?

  3. I'm a special ed Para at an elementary school.
    I'd like to enter for a teacher I work with in 2nd grade. Thanks for the opportunity to win. Wishing all the teachers a great year

  4. Do you find they lift up or the kids pick at them? Do you have to do anything special to get them to stay in place? Thanks!

    1. Kristin, Every once in a while you have kids who pick at them. Just remind them that they are on the floor to help us know where to stand or sit. They truly just press back down if someone pulls them up. They aren't like a sticker that once it's pulled up, it has lost it's stickiness. They stick year after year. You might notice on my pictures above, that some of the edges have frayed a bit. The Sit Spots owner told me that I could trim them with scissors and it would remove those rough edges. You can ask them to send you a sample and you can try it out to see if they will work for you. Remember they won't work on the decorative rugs you buy to put in your room. They fit best on classroom wall to wall carpets. I hope this helps you.


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