Saturday, April 2, 2016

Vowel Teams Giveaway!

I have just the thing that you might want to own.

My Vowel Teams Sweep is a lot of fun for your kids to play 
and learn more about vowel teams. 

For YOU and just you, I am going to give away a completed set. 

That means you will get 72 cards already copied in color, laminated, cut, and even put into a bag so that when you receive it, you can put it to work immediately!

It doesn't get much easier than that! 

This picture above shows what you will get. The game is played by putting all the cards face down in a pile. The students turn over one card. If they can read both words they get to keep that card. The student with the most cards in the end wins. You can play with 2 - 6 players.

BUT. . . . there are some tricky cards that could change how many cards they have. One card says to grab more cards. One card says to put all your cards back in the pile. Another card tells you to trade all your cards with any player. YIKES!

Would you like to have this set?  Then just enter the rafflecopter. If you can't wait to win it, you can buy it here

But wait! There's more. 

I will also give away a set of this product that you can print and laminate for yourself. 
That means there will be two winners. That's double the fun!

Once the winner is chosen, I will email them and get their mailing address so I can mail it to them. So don't forget to leave your email address.

Good luck! I hope you win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Shared your giveaway on Facebook! :o) Fingers are crossed!!

  2. WOW, That looks wonderful! I love games that teach and are beautiful to look at. :)



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