Friday, April 29, 2016

End of the Year Gift for Your Students

Today I'm posting a flashlight poem that I posted a few years ago. This is for anyone who might have missed it before. It was a big hit for my kids and other teachers, so I wanted to share it again.

 Reading in your bed is ok, 
but when you have a flashlight to use, 
it's even more fun!

Reading under the covers is cooler with a flashlight.
Reading under the kitchen table is 
better than sitting in a chair! Just think of all the possible dark places you could read if you had a flashlight.

Click on the picture to take you to my store.

I hope this sheds some light on your student's reading!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Patty! My daughter is obsessed with flashlights right now so I'm going to share this with her.


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