Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Don't Give UP!

We've all seen posters like this before. Sometimes it's being tired at the end of the year and sometimes its about being tired at the beginning of the year. 

Let's face it. . . Teacher Tired is all year long! 

I belong to several teacher groups on Facebook and there are many threads about ornery kids, unmotivated children, teachers that have too many meetings, deadlines, assessments, and the list goes on. 

Teaching is a tough job. It is NOT for everyone. But YOU chose it and YOU can rise to complete this job. I don't want you to think about giving up.

 I want you to dig down deep and do this!

I want you to pull yourself up by the boot straps and go get em!

I want you to brush yourself off and do it all over again!

I want you to remember that YOU are worthy of doing this job and you will be successful. 

I have had all those crummy days just like you have . . . . probably 36 years of them to be exact. 

I would like to suggest that if you are feeling lost, traumatized, exhausted, and thinking about quitting, that you read some blogs that have some lasting advice that you could live by. 

Read this first. It's from Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade. Holly wrote it during the summer, but it fits how many of us are feeling right now. 

If you feel that your students aren't settling down after recess or other specials, read another posting from Holly's blog on Brain Breaks

Holly is having success with her first graders. If she can do it, so can you.

Another teacher that I follow is Kristen Oldham from A Teeny Tiny Teacher. She always makes me smile and I love the way she writes. 

For inspiration and help with dealing with difficult situations, I always read Barbara Gruener's Corner on Character. She is full of energy and love for what's best for kids. She's even written a book called What's Under Your Cape? 
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I know that at the end of the day you might be thinking you don't have time to catch up on reading other people's blogs. But Let me assure you that this is how I find out new ideas, get refreshed, and find a way to get up the next morning.

Hang in there! Be Strong! You are their teacher, they are the students. You have command of the classroom!


  1. Thanks for taking the time to write such an encouraging post with some good suggestions. I unwind by reading (probably too many) blog posts. :)

  2. Thanks for taking the time to write such an encouraging post with some good suggestions. I unwind by reading (probably too many) blog posts. :)


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