Saturday, September 5, 2015

Customized Name Tags

I want to share with you some of the ways that people are using the customized name tags that I am making. You will get a set of tags with each of your students names on them. I will make them for you and you can proof them before you print them to save your  ink. 

If you get any new students throughout the year, I will gladly make a new tag that will match the set you purchased. All the directions are included when you purchase this. It will tell you exactly how to get a hold of me so we can talk about what you're looking for.

My original thought was to use them for showing lunch count and attendance and also for jobs. 
If you're in need of the Lunch Count Signs you can get them HERE
They have many choices like Hot Lunch, Cold Lunch, Absent, Choice A, Choice B, Menu, Lunch from Home, Lunch Boxes, and Salad Bar. 

The jobs listed below  show what each child will be in charge of for the week. 

If you're interested in the Job Banners, you can grab them here. They too are customizable by me, just for YOU!

But I have seen a few other ways to use them. Check these out.

They can be used to show which locker is theirs. 
(I recently read where you can use Rubber Cement on the laminated tags to hold them on your locker all year long.)

They can be placed inside a plastic sleeve to use for name tags when you have subs or going to special's classes. 

I originally offered these shapes:

But I'm open to special requests:
A male teacher wasn't so much into "cutsie" but he loved these sports symbols for boys and girls.

This teacher has a frog theme. So these frog faces were perfect. 

I've also made a set of tents for a classroom who has a camping theme. 
 More Frogs!

Open Apples!

 Polka Dotted frames in many colors or just black and white.

So if you don't find what you're looking for, just ask. I can more than likely come up with something that suits your needs. 

Most of them are about 3 inches in size. But some people wanted them about 2 inches, and some have asked for about 4 inches. I can be flexible with the size too.

Remember your purchase entitles you to a full year of tags.
 I will add any new students in at any time 
during the school year 2015-16.

And if you want a second set of a different design all you need to do is purchase an additional license for half price!

I hope you take me up on this offer. I think it helps a lot of you make those organized classroom work even better.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic!! Teacher chooses and you do the work--perfect. Love all the choices!!!


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