Monday, June 22, 2015

Dare to Dream! Yes Please!

I'm loving the challenges that these ladies have given us. Yes, it makes me work when I want to be lazy. But it does motivate me to do more than just sit around this summer. 

Here goes!

This week's challenge is 
 Dare to Dream

I'm supposed to think big and let you know why I like to blog and make activities for you and to sell on TPT. 

 I really like to make things. I love cutsie. Even when people say that cutsie isn't the way to teach, I cringe and shake my head. It just has to be cute! I realized that I have been making things since I was in high school. I would decorate my friends lockers, and do bulletin boards for the teachers. As long as I have a computer, and there is clipart in my files, I'm good to go.

I love making connections with so many of you who have stopped by to say hello. I feel like I know many of you. . . even personally. (even though my husband says you aren't real. . . you're just "my cyber friends!") I love going to meet ups to learn more about you and your blogs too. So many have reached out to me from across the world. What a great thing this is and it never could have happened without my blog and TPT.

Now that I have retired from the classroom, I know that I can have a new life. Yes, I'm still working with students each day, but my responsibilities have changed in a very good way. With 3 grandchildren to keep me from being lazy, I know that I will continue to do fun things in my life.

This last one is hard to admit publicly. . . but sometimes I wish I was rich and that everyone knew me. I don't know why that's a wish of mine. . . but it is. . .I'm just going to put it out there and say it. Maybe I crave attention because I'm "The MIDDLE Child!" 

But if I were Rich I know I wouldn't hold on to that money for very long. I like to give things to others who need help. At my school if a family was struggling we would take up a collection. Maybe it was for glasses, a moving truck, groceries, clothes, what ever, we were there to help. I've even slipped money into a person's coat pocket when they didn't realize it. So if I ever make it to the BIG time with TPT, you can be sure that I will share it with many people. 

I hope that you are taking part in this challenge and that you have found some new friends to follow and love.  You can go directly to these blogs below to see who else is participating in this excitement!

Click on any of these icons to go to their blogs.


  1. A great blog post. Thanks for sharing your dreams!

    1. Thank you for stopping by and reading my post. I love meeting new people. Your blog is super cute!

  2. You are sooooo nice!!! And generous! Glad to call you my friend.


Thanks for leaving me a comment after grabbing one of my ideas! It's like leaving a tip for a job well done!