Saturday, June 27, 2015

Counting Coins Ready to Go!

This summer in Michigan has been the rainiest that I can remember. It's almost July and we've only had a couple sunny enough days to think about going poolside! But today since it's a rainy day, I'm going to give some attention to my blog. 

This is a quick one. I have a way to help your kids practice counting and exchanging coins. It's really not new and it's not mine. But it does work. You don't need to make any copies or laminate anything. I used real coins from home, but if you have decent fake money that will work too. I happen to think that the real is better because it helps them look at the coins and identify them better. (Especially with the many designs of the nickels and pennies!)

I used this with 2nd graders. However; other grades could use it too. Homeschoolers, and students with special needs could benefit from it. 

I love to recycle containers. Don't get me wrong I go crazy in container stores with all the bright yummy colors, but those cost $$$$. So this activity I used the salad bowls and lids from the @Wendy's salads. I also used the containers that the Carving Board lunch meats come in. I just soak off the labels and use Goo Gone to get the adhesive off.
 I put about 25 pennies in one container. And 8 quarters, 20 times, and 10 nickels in the other container. 

 Because the kids I know like to throw roll the dice too hard, I have them roll the dice inside one of the containers.

Once the students roll the one dice, they grab that many pennies and put them in front of them. The partner does the same.  When there isn't any or many pennies left, they can now make some trades for nickels or dimes. They will put the pennies back into the penny container to keep them separate from the silver. 

After several turns doing the pennies first, they'll be able to trade for quarters. The first one to get to a dollar is the winner. You can reward them with a play dollar bill, a special treat, or just the fact that they won. 

Repeat this as often as you'd like. You can also have them start with $1.00 and have them subtract from the $1.00 and try to get down to zero. This would require them to make trades also. 

Be sure to teach them how to do this so that they have more success with it. 

If you have done this or something similar I'd love to hear how you do it.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Dare to Dream! Yes Please!

I'm loving the challenges that these ladies have given us. Yes, it makes me work when I want to be lazy. But it does motivate me to do more than just sit around this summer. 

Here goes!

This week's challenge is 
 Dare to Dream

I'm supposed to think big and let you know why I like to blog and make activities for you and to sell on TPT. 

 I really like to make things. I love cutsie. Even when people say that cutsie isn't the way to teach, I cringe and shake my head. It just has to be cute! I realized that I have been making things since I was in high school. I would decorate my friends lockers, and do bulletin boards for the teachers. As long as I have a computer, and there is clipart in my files, I'm good to go.

I love making connections with so many of you who have stopped by to say hello. I feel like I know many of you. . . even personally. (even though my husband says you aren't real. . . you're just "my cyber friends!") I love going to meet ups to learn more about you and your blogs too. So many have reached out to me from across the world. What a great thing this is and it never could have happened without my blog and TPT.

Now that I have retired from the classroom, I know that I can have a new life. Yes, I'm still working with students each day, but my responsibilities have changed in a very good way. With 3 grandchildren to keep me from being lazy, I know that I will continue to do fun things in my life.

This last one is hard to admit publicly. . . but sometimes I wish I was rich and that everyone knew me. I don't know why that's a wish of mine. . . but it is. . .I'm just going to put it out there and say it. Maybe I crave attention because I'm "The MIDDLE Child!" 

But if I were Rich I know I wouldn't hold on to that money for very long. I like to give things to others who need help. At my school if a family was struggling we would take up a collection. Maybe it was for glasses, a moving truck, groceries, clothes, what ever, we were there to help. I've even slipped money into a person's coat pocket when they didn't realize it. So if I ever make it to the BIG time with TPT, you can be sure that I will share it with many people. 

I hope that you are taking part in this challenge and that you have found some new friends to follow and love.  You can go directly to these blogs below to see who else is participating in this excitement!

Click on any of these icons to go to their blogs.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

2 Truths and 1 lie

It's Tuesday AGAIN! Are  you curious about my two truths and a lie? 
Were you right from last week?

Think carefully about these today.

I have never drank a cup of coffee.

I have given up eating french fries.

I don't like to eat steak.

So which one is it? I know they aren't too exciting. . .but the summer brain drain has begun!
Check back in on Friday to see which one is which!

Makeover Madness Is in the Books!

I'm joining a ton of others (Like over 700!) who are trying to revamp their blogs, products and social media sites this summer. Have you seen the buzz? 

If you want in and want to know more, go to Third in Hollywood and read about what Emily and some others have cooked up. 

The first challenge is to take an older product and make it new. 
So here's mine!
 This is my BEFORE above! YUCKY!

This is my AFTER below! I love it!
You can grab it in my store by clicking HERE! I hope you and your students love this. 

Thanks to these lovely people for challenging all of us!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Truths be Told

Last Tuesday many of you read my 2 truths and 1 lie. It was interesting to read your thoughts and to read other people's two truths and a lie.

So here is the big reveal!

1. Is true! Back in 1979 Michael Kennedy who is the son of Robert Kennedy and nephew of John F. Kennedy actually slept in my bed at my parent's home. He was in town campaigning for his Uncle Ted who was running for president in 1980. The Democratic committee didn't want him to stay in a hotel and have possible run ins with some unlikely females in town. So they asked my parents if he could stay at our farm house 10 miles out in the country away from all the fun and lights of the city! Secret Service had to come and scour the place and mom couldn't tell anyone about it until after he left. It was an amazing thing to think that he slept in the same  bed that I slept in (and still sleep in!) Sadly this young man has passed away in a skiing accident several years ago.
2. Is true! I knew that I had an awful lot of post its, pens and scissors, but I truly realized just how many I had when I cleaned out and emptied my room last spring. Holy cow! Imagine the savings I've had this year, since I haven't been buying all of those!
3. Is a lie! Yes I was raised on a farm, and yes I do have a green thumb and all of my fingers are green too. I have many plants inside my house that do well all year round. My gardens outside also look pretty good right now. (except for the hail we got last week, really damaged my hostas!)

So thanks for playing along! Come back this Tuesday for more fun!

Sarah Nicole, Alyce, Mrs. Kidd, and Mrs. Barnett You are very smart people. Will you be right next week?

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Twitter Me DO!

Did you know that if you try something new it will strengthen your brain? I did this in the fall when I subbed in kindergarten for my daughter-in-law. I did it for 12 weeks. Let me tell you that I know that my brain gained many new cells just from teaching kinders. Holy Moly! I have a new appreciation for you teachers. 

Now that I've finished with that challenge, I'm on to another one. You may already do this, but I have not. In fact I'm timid when it comes to this. . . . I'm referring to TWITTER.  I have an account. I am learning how to follow others, read their posts, star what I like and even retweet! (Isn't that a cute word?) 

I'm telling you all of this to see if you have any interest in following me on Twitter. If you have a twitter account, please let me know so I can follow you too. My account is

If you aren't familiar with how to twitter, then be sure to join me and we can learn together. I am nearly but not completely clueless. 

Come back tomorrow and you'll find out my truths and my one lie. . . giggle giggle.  . . I think you'll all love this!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Tell All Tuesday 2 Truths and 1 lie

I'm teaming up with Teacher Talk and Inspire and My Day in K. They are having some fun on Tuesdays. I wanted to join and maybe you'll either join or follow along in the fun.

Let's play a game of "Two Truths and a Lie!" Leave a comment below to guess which two are true and the statement that is false. I can't wait to hear what you think!

1. President Kennedy's nephew slept in my bed.

2. I have an addiction to pens, post it notes, and scissors.

3. Even though I was raised on a farm, I kill every plant I try to grow.

Here are some others you can read.