Monday, March 23, 2015

Spring Text Passages by Miss De Carbo

This week I have been using Miss DeCarbo's 

The students that I work with mainly need help with comprehension. That's why using things like Christina Bainbridge's Comprehension Snapshots and Miss De Carbo's Text Evidence are so important to me. 

I like that these are short assignments that we can finish or nearly finish in a half an hour's time. (Which is how long I have each student.) The information that they have to dig for is similar to what they have to do in many testing situations.  They aren't too long, boring, and drawn out so the child loses their focus. 

Our district takes a test called I Ready. I'm sure it's much like the NWEA assessments that we used to take and also similar to others that you may be taking. 

These pictures show my students using a passage from Miss De Carbo's set. 

The first time they read it, I ask them to read it aloud to me. I will use a highlighter marker to show the words they are unfamiliar with. That helps them when they go back to read it for the second time, they'll remember that this is a new word. 

 I like that they have to read it 3 times. So many kids feel like they need to rush through their work or test. These papers allow them to take their time and read it 3 times, (if they are honest!) Coloring in the raindrops at the bottom helps them to keep track of their honesty.

I have found these text passages to be very successful with my students. I know there are a lot of good things out there to choose from. But maybe after seeing how it's used, you might consider grabbing these for yourself.

Today one of my students was reading about Spring. The text in the passage said, "In the spring the weather gets warmer." But when we looked outside and found the snow falling, she said, "No it doesn't!"

This is what my car looked like when I walked out at noon. Since then we have even more snow!
In closing, I'll add a cute pic of my grandaughter just two days ago. I guess that's Michigan for you. Wonderful one day, crummy the next!

If you are interested in grabbing Miss De Carbo's Text Passages, just click here. You won't be disappointed!


  1. Replies
    1. Yes! By the end of the day we had almost three inches! They say we dodged a bullet. The state of Wisconsin and Minnesota got more than 7 inches!
      Come on spring! Get your act together!


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