Monday, March 16, 2015

Comprehension Snapshots Could Be YOURS!

Many of you know that I am fortunate to have Christina Bainbridge from Buntings, Books, and Bright Ideas as my good friend. She has mentored me through all of my blogging and selling adventures, not to mention having a few good meals together too! 

So today, I would like to show her some appreciation by highlighting a product of hers. I have been using it with some students for the last 3 weeks. I work with just a few students who are struggling with understanding HOW to dig in the story to find the facts, the connections, and the possible reasons for the answers. 

A while ago, I got her set of Comprehension Snapshots.

I was searching through my many things that I could use to help my students and remembered that I had this. (Don't you hate it when you can't remember what you have and where it's at? But I knew just where this one was!!!)

So I began using them with my students. They are perfect as they hit many different areas of comprehension that the kids need to know more about. Plus they are only a half sheet of paper. They do not take very long to do, which is a great thing to have around when you need it. (These might even work for you for morning work, or exit tickets!)

Since I'm working one to one with my students at this time, I use a highlighter pen to underline the words that they struggle with. Then we reread it again to be sure they understand the paragraphs. Plus it shows them that rereading is an ok thing and something they should do more of. 

 I ask them to go back into the text to find out how to spell the words they need (if they are listed there). Which is another great skill for kids to go back and dig deeper to find what they need.

Christina has this listed at $8.00 and there are 94 pages. That's 94 pages of the awesomest comprehension activities.

Here's a few of the skills that you'll find:
Story elements, ask and answer questions, theme, character traits, cause and effect, literal and figurative, point of view, compare and contrast, and more!

Christina has graciously said I could give away 2, two, TWO sets of these. Could you be the lucky winner. . . You have to enter. Just fill out the Rafflecopter below and wait until later this week to see if you're the winner!


  1. Thanks for sharing a peek into this pack! It looks amazing!

  2. I have the Comprehension Snapshots set and use Thoughtmarks, too. If I win, I would love to share the set with a fellow 2nd grade teacher. RAK! :)

    P.S.. I can certainly relate to not remembering all the great resources that I have. That is why I have to read so many blogs - for reminders.


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