Monday, February 23, 2015

YOU are MY Hero!

Teachers are many things. We wear many hats. We speak many languages. We work many hours. 

But we do it because we choose to. We have not ever been told we HAD to become a teacher. 

We did it because it was a calling, a passion, something born within, or just a feeling. 

And in most cases, if we had a chance to do it over again, we would choose teaching again and again and again. 

To all of you that follow me and to any of you that are here for the first time, I want to applaud you. You as a teacher are here because you want to know more and you want to do it in the fastest, best, cheapest, and most effective way you can. 

Good! You should! You should do all of those things. 

To thank you for your passion, TPT has allowed us to have another sale in your honor. You are HEROES to me and to all those little people who walk through your door each day. You are held on high pedestals by the parents who let you teach and reach their children. 

On Wednesday, February 25th you will be able to get a total of 28% off from your purchases if you place the word HEROES as the code word at the end BEFORE you check out! Don't forget!

THEN after you look at your purchases, please remember to go back and leave some quality feedback. You earn credits that you can use on future purchases each time you leave feedback on something you've purchased.

My store will be on sale too. I have just created a new set of cards that will help your students improve their numeracy and number bonds. This is great for kinders, firsties, and second graders. They will be Super Heroes themselves for using their super powers to figure these out.

Click the picture above to go to this product.

These will also be on sale on Feb. 25th.
I hope you can find some things that will help you teach better, get through to your students better, and pass those dang standardized tests that are so wacky!!!

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