Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Secret Santa Revealed!

I jumped out of my comfort zone (ha not really!) and tried something new this year. Several blogging friends took part in . . . 
ta daaaaa!!!!!

 Thanks to Angela and Marcy who organized this wonderful idea.

I was so pleased to find out that my secret Santa was Hilary. She is a friend of mine on facebook and I've been following her for a while. I have some of her things she sells and they are just dandy for my kids to use too.
click the picture to go to her blog

I carry this with me at ALL times. . . I'm really trying not to drink Diet Coke, so with this cool Santa glass I keep ice cold water in it all the time!

Love these smelly markers!  I want to hoard them to myself, but I'll just have to share with my littles!

Who doesn't love Michaels? I could spend a ton in there! This gift card will be a nice help on the budget! And look at that card holder. He's an ornament too! So cute!

Thank you Hilary! It was a great way to get into the giving spirit.  

I was happy to be the Secret Santa to Nicole Swisher from 

Check out her blog to see what she got!

Now if you want to see what others got for their gifts be sure to check them out below!

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Thanks for leaving me a comment after grabbing one of my ideas! It's like leaving a tip for a job well done!