Sunday, December 7, 2014

RACK or PAK it's All Good!

Many people do RACK (Random Acts of Christmas Kindness) right now. And that is such a kind and selfless thing to do. I love doing those things even at other times of the year. 

But today I want to talk to you about PAK which I am labeling as Purposeful Acts of Kindness. This weekend my sisters and I went back to my dad's house (2 1/2 hours away). Our main objective was to do Christmas shopping in our home town. But it is also a purposeful visit to our dad who has been alone in a 135 year old 6 bedroom farm house since August of 2013 when Mom died. 

Dad is 93 years young and does extremely well on his own. (He still drives well, and even snowmobiles in the U.P a couple times each winter) He can clean a bit, cook, grocery shop and takes good care of himself. 

But when we go (which is about once a month) we do a thorough cleaning and cook meals to freeze for him. When I say thorough I mean that his house is MUCH cleaner than mine! We clean floors, showers, toilets, the fridge, dishes, windows, change his sheets, you name it, it's clean! 

One thing that I was cleaning today was the door knobs and around the knobs. I also cleaned the light switches and the walls around the switches. Have you ever looked at yours? Have you ever looked at your parents? It's one of those areas, that might get over looked, but now that they are clean, I can see what a difference it makes.

So the reason for this post is to remind you that your parents have given a TON to you over the 18+ years you lived at home. Helping them out (no matter what their age is) would be a Purposeful Act of Kindness that I'm sure they would appreciate. Even if you don't live far from them and even if they are able to clean on their own. . . . what parent wouldn't appreciate a little extra help around the house. Many of our parents don't need anything for Christmas, but this idea would be a wonderful thought that they will remember. It might be helping with yardwork, eves cleaning, or any other job that they have to do themselves.

I want to show you one more thing we did for my dad. We decorated the house. . . the same way that mom would have done. . . the same way that she loved it. . . so Mom, I hope you're enjoying the way we made the house special for dad in your memory!

I'm going to challenge you to see how you can help your parents, grandparents, neighbors or anyone who you know could use some love and help.

1 comment:

  1. I love, LoVe, LOVE what you did for your dad. Such a gift of the heart. Thank you for sharing this beautiful post. Sending smiles from the south!



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