Friday, November 21, 2014

First Day of Change!

Today is my first day of retirement. Yesterday I finished teaching kindergarten for 12 weeks. I've already had a full morning of breakfast with friends, a new hair color and cut,  and lunch at home. It is a different feeling having this kind of freedom on a "school day!"  I even  found some time to update my blog! and without guilt too!

This last week we had a Scholastic's Book Fair during our parent teacher conferences. (By the way, it's a great way to get parents to actually look at books. While their waiting for your conference they can browse books. . . and in most cases if they are opening up books, they probably buy one, which really helps our own library to get more books. So it's really a win win for everyone!)

During the day I took our kinders over to just look through to see what was there. I walked around the corner and this picture shows what I found. They just sat down and started reading. That's just too precious! They love books already!

The other kindergarten teacher in our building is a huge TPT fan, and has probably purchased many things from YOU! She found this mug on Etsy and ordered it as soon as she saw it! She and I worked very well together and she loved having a cooperative teaching partner. (another story that must remain untold!) So she gave me the lovely flowers in the background AND this awesome and fabulous mug! Now I'm not a coffee drinker, but I do love hot chocolate and hot tea! So it will be used and loved! Thanks Sherry!

Even though I won't have a classroom, I do plan to keep on blogging, creating, and connecting with other teachers. So please keep coming back to see what I'm up to. 

My next phase of my life starts on December 1st. I will start working at a different building with 2nd graders for 4 days a week,  mornings only. I will work with one child or a small group. I will be doing what ever the teacher asks me to do with them. It's much like an aid or paraprofessional, except that our district is paying nicely for this since they value my experience and abilities. This job seems like a job made in heaven. I only work until noon. I don't have to write major lesson plans,  report cards, go to meetings, parent conferences, or do any paper checking. Who wouldn't want that job?  I'm excited to start another new thing. Kindergarten was fun. It really wasn't terrible! And I saw a ton of growth from day one until now with those little kiddos. 

Since I'm celebrating the changes in my life, I'd like to make someone else's day! Leave me your email and I'll send a copy of my 4 Corners with the Tricky Teens powerpoint to the first  3 people who leave me their email address.

It's an easy and fun way to get your kinders or firsties up and moving while they are thinking too! 


  1. Congrats on the retirement! That's so exciting! Plus, you still get to work with kids, even though you're retired!

    What I Have Learned

  2. What a fun day!! Happy Retirement!

  3. Happy Retirement Patty! I bet you are savouring these days that you can do what you want, when you want! I'm really jealous of the new job you'll have in December! No paperwork! Wow! 😃


  4. What? Number 4-Yikes! Well, this is a great opportunity to say I love your idea of getting the kids moving to practice this very tricky skill. Good luck with retirement, it looks like we are losing a wonderful teacher.

  5. How about the first four comments:) Happy retirement!

  6. Congrats, Patty!!! Enjoy your next few days off until your next teaching adventure starts!

    EduKate and Inspire


Thanks for leaving me a comment after grabbing one of my ideas! It's like leaving a tip for a job well done!