Saturday, September 13, 2014

I'm Learning A Lot!

Many of you have been back to school for over a month now. I just finished my 2nd week. Whew! I'm tired! I think I have it figured out though. We all enjoy our summer months of doing next to nothing or if we do something it's on our own time frame and we are not watching a plan book or a clock through out our days. We stay up as late as we want and we might sleep in as late as we want. We are totally unplanned. 

And then BAM! BUZZ! RING! DING DING DING! That alarm goes off and life changes IMMEDIATELY! It's not gradual, it's on the spot immediate! What on earth are we doing to ourselves. . . and our kids too. No wonder we are all exhausted, dazed, and sometimes confused. And I'm talking about the teachers too! If we feel this way, then we have to acknowledge that the kids are feeling the same way.

So all that is in the past. Monday is the start of our third week. And I'm ready for a new one and a grand routine. If you have been following me in the past then you might remember that I retired from teaching 2nd grade for 36 years in June. Then my daughter-in-law had her second baby and wanted to stay home for 12 weeks. She also got a kindergarten job at the school that I worked at. To me it was a no brainer. I knew the staff, the routines, the families. I could do this. I was certain that I could do this. With the support of the other staff, I knew that there would be bumps, but I could do this. 

Did I say I could do this? Yes, I did and I am. But I am also noticing my strengths and my weaknesses. Let's be postive. . . I will focus on my strengths. I do know how to love children and to get them to listen to me. Sure I can. But with Kinders, I get one area ready to listen and then the other side of the room is talking. I get them ready to listen and another part starts talking. . . oh geesh!  I really have to keep thinking that each of these children could be my grandchildren who are just learning. They are 5 or 6 and this might be their first time in a group situation.  I  repeat. . . I can do this!


  1. Yes you can! At least you can say it's temporary right?! :)


  2. You ARE doing it. Those kids are lucky to have you (even if it takes every last bit of energy). Keep up the great work!!


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