Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Change of Plans

Remember when I last posted. . . Sunday morning?  Let me tell you that Sunday was a whirl wind day.

It started with my daughter telling me she was having Braxton hicks contractions. . . no biggie, she has two more weeks until her due date. But she walked around her house all night just to get some comfort.. . 

Soon after that I got a message that her water broke.  Before I knew it, we had rearranged our flights from Chicago to Houston and were on the way to the airport. 

Suddenly a picture appeared on my phone of a new baby in MY baby's arms. Not only did she come 2 weeks early but she also arrived very quickly! In fact her water broke close to 1:00 pm and Kennedy Jayne arrived at 3:48.

I was more than happy to drop everything and get down here. She is a delight and I'm loving every moment I get to be with her. I love watching my kids become parents. They must have been watching and paying attention because they are doing very good at nurturing her.

I will get back home next week and life will go back to being so normal. . . . . .

Until the NEXT baby comes! My son and his wife are due on July 13th? What if this little guy decides to come two weeks early too? 

It's a very good thing my life has changed this year, (more about that later!)

 I need time to be a gramma!


  1. Congratulations Grandma! She is beautiful! Enjoy your time with her and your daughter :)

    Following Optimism in 2nd Grade

  2. Congratulations! What a gorgeous baby girl! :)

    Sprinkles for the Teacher

  3. That is so great that you could get to Houston so fast. What a lucky family--have fun!!


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