Friday, May 17, 2013

Join My School Shirt Linky Party

This is just a quick post because I have WAY too many other things to do tonight. . .

I didn't say "other more fun things." 

Just other things that I need to do instead of playing on my blog . . . .

Which I love to do. . . 

Which I will sorely miss. . . .

So here's my idea. . . 

Dig out your favorite school  shirt and share it here. You can just display a photo of the shirt, or you can give a little description of why your shirt looks the way it does. 

Maybe it's a shirt from this year, but maybe it's an older version. Which ever it is. . . Tell us about it.

Here's my shirt for this year.

We had the kids brainstorm words that represented our school. Then we narrowed that list down to the words that you see here. We used Wordle to make the design. Each student now owns a shirt that our PTO paid for. We also allowed them to buy sweatshirts on their own.

We keep our school shirts in our classrooms all year long (we order them in the fall). We wear them for any group gatherings or if we have to go someplace as a group. It makes it so much easier to locate our kids if they look alike.  On the last day of school they get to take them home. 

I'd love to see what your school shirts look like. Run to your closet and take a picture of your shirt, either on your body or not.  Click on the linky below and add your name to the list. Feel free to grab the linky button above if you want to share this on your blog. 

The linky button uses fonts and backgrounds by Christina Bainbridge,
frame by Lisa Parnello, and stars by Creative Clips

1 comment:

Thanks for leaving me a comment after grabbing one of my ideas! It's like leaving a tip for a job well done!