Friday, February 22, 2013

Snow Day Freebie about Adjectives


And that makes this a 3 day week, since we had Monday off too. 
Imagine having a 3 day week everyweek. . ... No, I guess that wouldn't work. 
We would never get enough finished unless we went to school all year round! 
I think I'll stay with the traditional school year.

Now that I am home all day and I've been wishing for some extra time to make some STUFF, 
I plan on being right here in front of my computer all day being creative. . . 

Well, that was my plan and then my granddaughter came over so 
I just had to play with her for a while. Great distraction!

Now, I'm back on track to making things.

But then I thought, hmmmmm, I think I'll update my blog and give you a freebie. . .  

I know. . . . I love a freebie too!

I continue to work with my kids on adjectives and I do believe they are really getting it now. 

Go to my TPT store and pick up these March Adjective pages. 
Leave me some loving so I know if they work for you, please. 
I don't have any other March activities there, but that's what today is for. . .

Yea, right. . . get back to work Patty, You have things to do!

WAIT WAIT! One more thing. . .

I am helping Tamara celebrate getting over 100 followers. Go to her blog to join in her giveaway!


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