Sunday, February 24, 2013

Nonsense Words Winners

I'm so sorry that no one guessed my favorite number. .. so it will have to remain a mystery. . . Maybe I'll use it again some other time!

But the good news is, that all those who tried to guess became the owners for the set of nonsense word cards. Check your mail.

That's all for tonight. It's looking like we could have a big snow storm come Tuesday, so I'll be back to blog some more then. . . IF we get a snow day!



  1. Thanks for the word cards! We have a snow day tomorrow! We were off Thursday and Friday, had a great weekend, and now another storm is moving in! What a winter.

  2. I already have Tuesday off and missed Friday's snow day because we already had THAT off too! I'm hoping for a Wednesday snow day!

    *Bunting, Books, and Bainbridge*

  3. No snow days here in Florida, but I am taking a sick day to be home with my son tomorrow hoping this fever goes away! I am so glad I found your blog over at Mrs. Russell's Class Giveaway!

    The Resourceful Apple

  4. I found you through Adventures in Room 129's giveaway and I am your newest follower.

    My Journey to 5th Grade


Thanks for leaving me a comment after grabbing one of my ideas! It's like leaving a tip for a job well done!