Friday, January 25, 2013

It's the little things to be thankful for.

Today. .. TODAY. . . . TODAY, we got to go outside!

Let me assure you, it's been a long week with kids who have way too much energy.

And that energy wasn't for doing their best work or paying close attention or even for getting everything answered correctly.

No Siree! The kind of energy they had was the same kind that all of your dogs have when they are caged for too long kids have when they need some fresh air.

So today did go much better. But then again, Fridays usually do.

I did end up treating our aides to some delicious Cadbury Mini Easter Eggs. . .. I know, I should have bought them some Valentine's candy, but those Cadbury mini eggs are the best. And if the store is going to put them out even before Valentine's is over, then I'm going to buy them!

Our aides have been real troopers this week, putting up with our kids and inside recess, so they definitely deserved this treat.

What do you do to reward your staff? Do  you stop and thank them in some big or small way once in a while? I'm so glad to have this support staff to do some of the work that I can't possibly get completed by myself.

Have you ever sent the bus drivers a kind note? We like to send a bowl of candy to the bus garage at Christmas time to thank them for taking the kids home every night. Well, we do thank them for bringing them TO school also! It's just that sometimes it's more meaningful that they have a ride home.

Do you thank your custodians? Have you left them a note or a treat once in a while? I know that some of them may not seem to deserve a special treat, but maybe if you kill them with kindness, they'll turn around and do something for you too. I've often heard of custodians who complain about all the mess in a classroom. . . .. hmmmm. . . let me think about this. . . . if there were NO messes, would they have a job? Isn't that what they applied for? Don't they get paid to clean up after us? Imagine that all of us kept our rooms spotless, why would we need them?

Oops, I digress. .. this was supposed to be about good stuff.

Today my principal brought all of us a large drink from MacDonalds and one of their chocolate chip cookies. She hand delivered them to us. . . .Yes, she is a peach and yes, I love her on every other day too, But wasn't that wonderful that she did all that for us?  She said it was National Appreciate You day. . . or something like that. . . I was so amazed at the treat, that I don't think I heard what came from her lips. . .

Moral to the story. Stop and look around you. Who helps you? Who is always there for you? And who do you need to give warm fuzzies to? That's your homework for the weekend.

I would love to hear what things you do to appreciate your staff. Leave me a note. I'm anxious to read your thoughts.



  1. Hey Sweet Cheeks,
    I loved this post. We call these "sparkles" dear friend/college roomie started it. I love sparkling up somebody's day with a little surprise pick-me-up. I haven't done it in a while thanks for the reminder!!!!!

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  2. What a great "break"--a drink and a cookie. I haven't done anything lately, but last fall I would bring our secretary a sugared coffee drink each Friday. We enjoyed the tradition of it. I stopped because we were consuming too many calories. I need to think of something else. Thank you for the reminder.

    Mrs. Bartel’s School Family


Thanks for leaving me a comment after grabbing one of my ideas! It's like leaving a tip for a job well done!