Friday, December 14, 2012

Christmas Joy for Teachers and Staff

First I have to pray. . . . Dear Lord please watch over those children who came to you way too soon today. Comfort their families and hold them in your arms and help them find some way possible to cope one day. I can NOT imagine how they are dealing with this.  I am so sad for them and the children and parents around the world. 

Does your school have a way to celebrate with gifts among the staff? We've tried many different ways, but this has been the biggest hit so far! Maybe you'd like to try it. . . We call it Christmas Boxes.

It's probably too late for this year, but you could always tuck this away for next year. . . maybe you'll remember it. . . maybe. . . and maybe I'll remember to remind you of it early next December.

Here's how it works: Each staff member buys a $10.00 gift card to anywhere in the area. They put their gift card in one of these boxes. They are tied up with a knot so no one can open them until it's time. They also give me $5.00 cash. Two of the boxes have a note inside that says CA$H. 

For the entire week we will trade, steal, swap, switch, or take the boxes from each other. You never know which box is your original because several are the same design. 
Teachers keep them on their desk, in their mailbox or somewhere that is convenient for other staff members to switch them. The kids are told not to bother them and they don't (remember we are a K-2 building). 
We have used the kids to do the swapping before though. "Here, take this box to Mrs. T's room and trade it for the one that's on her desk."

On the last day we meet and open our boxes to see what we get. 
We all will have a $10.00 gift card to someplace. 

BUT 2 people will end up with their gift card AND some cash. The amount of the cash depends on how many people participate in this. This year I think we will have 16 people doing it. That's $80.00. We'll divide that in half and if I've done my math right. . . . 2 people will also get $40.00 extra!

 That's a pretty nice little extra stash. 

We all have a lot of fun trying to hang on to the boxes because we think WE have the winner, but they truly don't know until they are opened. This year, I put in a piece of candy in a couple boxes or a penny, . . . . 

something to make a noise so they think IT'S the lucky one!

I found the boxes at Michael's, but one year we used paper bags. So if you are interested in doing this still this year, you could put it all together real fast if you wanted to. And you wouldn't have to do it for a week, you could do it for a couple days if you'd like. 

I'd love to hear if you try this idea or share with me what you do with your staff. In a stress filled month where every one feels way behind on everything, this is a little lift for all of us!

Peace be with all of you. Hug your loved ones a bit closer tonight.


  1. What a fun way to celebrate! It would be fun to keep switching and swapping. We just recently started doing secret santa. Whoever wants to participate can but you don't have to. It's fun but having to come up with little gifts for 5 days can be tricky! This way everyone knows they are getting a gift card but where's the money? ha ha....Thanks for sharing...I'm going to bring this up to the secret santa ladies and see what they think for next year!

  2. I hold on to the money. For some reason they all trust me! Bawahahahah! On the day of the give away, I have two separate envelopes ready to hand out to the winners.


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