Sunday, December 23, 2012

Blog's Best & Brightest

I'm joining Christina Bainbridge in her Blog Best and Brightest Linky Party.

I love this idea. It gives all of us a chance to see what we may have missed during the year. There is no way that I can catch every cool idea that fits my needs. A linky party like this will help you and me refresh our memories and find some way cool things to do with our kids. 

I started my blog in January and my blogaversary is coming up soon. 
Come back in January for a fun give away.

As I looked back over my sales I have a couple that stand out as my best sellers. I started selling in August and while I'm not on the top ten list or even the top 100. . . I think I do ok for me. I make things that I can use in my classroom and love to share them with you too. If I make a little money on the side than I'm as happy as a clam!

My best seller was the Christmas Fact and Opinion Actvity.

The second biggest seller was the Pumpkin Pronouns. 

One of the messages that got the most traffic was my First Sale on TPT. . .
but it was actually Free! 
It was an activity in practicing how to spell the other tenses of verbs. 
Click here to get it for yourself for FREE!

 I would be horrible if I didn't mention the highlight of my year. . . The day my first grandchild was born! She is now 6 months old and continues to be so fun to be around and gives this old woman a huge smile and lump in my heart when someone asks about her. . . I'm MUSH! 

I am indebted to so many of you for helping me, encouraging me, and giving me ideas to jump start my teaching. I know that after 34 years of teaching 2nd grade I needed something to make me last a few more years. 
YOU did it! Thank YOU!

Some of the blogs that I love to follow are the same ones that you do too.  Here goes:

Christina Bainbridge. . . . is not only a close friend through our Blogs,  but also lives within 20 minutes of me! I owe a ton of debt to her as she has been a marvelous mentor to me! MUAH! 
Kristin Oldham is the Teeny Tiny Teacher. She is such a good writer. I swear she could write the phone book and make it interesting to read.
Corinna Gandara is from Hawaii and she is creating delightful things, clipart, and so much more!
Michelle Tsivgadellis is the 3AM Teacher. She is very creative with clipart and has such a nice warm personality. 
Holly (I can't begin to spell her last name, so I just call her Holly Wally!) has a blog called Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade. I met her one day this summer and we became INSTANT friends. I love her!

Some of the new friends that I have that you will want to get to know are: 
Amber Polk is Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher
Kate Daniel is from Second Grade Sparkle 
Gina Szczodrowski  at Third Grade Tidbits 
Tanja Tlusty is from Journey of a Substitute Teacher

That's it. Those are my highlights. Thanks for reading them and don't forget to stop by 
Christina's and get attached too!



  1. Yay! Thanks for linking up! I'm having so much fun reading everyone's posts and seeing what everyone is excited about for their year!

    *Bunting, Books, and Bainbridge*

  2. This is a beautiful recap, Patty. Congratulations on your granddaughter; enJOY baby's first Christmas!


  3. I'm pumped about this linky party, too! Your fact and opinion activity is too cute! I enjoyed meeting you this summer-- I'm ready for a winter meet up! We haven't gotten ANY snow in Toledo yet. Have you gotten much in your area? I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

    EduKate and Inspire

  4. I like your fact and opinion activity. Great product!

    I linked up too :)

    Buzzing with Ms. B

  5. Hi Patty,
    I love your fact and opinion activity. I found your site through Sue at SOS Supply 1st Blogoversary Giveaway. Just wanted to stop by and say hello!! I am contributing to her giveaway too. I am your newest follower. Stop by my blog for a visit.
    Ms. Jones’ Junction


Thanks for leaving me a comment after grabbing one of my ideas! It's like leaving a tip for a job well done!