Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Today I got real gutsy. . .

and my students thought we would be in trouble. .. .

And even I felt naughty!

I must admit that this totally went against every part of my being.

I was NOT raised this way. . .

But sometimes you have to just let go. . . and this is what we did.. . .. .

YUP! We WROTE right on the table!


And boy did we feel guilty!

We felt NAUGHTY!

But we LOVED it!

We wanted to do it again  and again!

And the other kids in the room couldn't wait till they got a turn!

We did set down rules. . . . 
1. You may not do this at home!
2. You may not do this on your desk UNLESS I tell them to.
3. You must only use dry erase markers!
4.You must erase it when you are done!

It was such a hit! My kids were eager to practice math strategies now!
And my table did clean up just fine at the end of the day.

I have a couple new things in my store if you'd like to take a peak at them! 

The 2nd thing that I have is a Thanksgiving Pronoun activity.

I think you might like both of these. They are easy to make, and real easy for your students to use. 

Now don't forget to stop by Miss V's Busy Bees She is having a 500 follower give away that is just way too huge! Everyone can enter and you have many different ways to enter. . . I hope you win.. . well . . . I hope I win too, but maybe you'll also win along with me!

Time to go vote! I hope you all voted too!



  1. I love this idea. What a great way to get my kiddos interested in subtraction with regrouping!

    Second Grade Math Maniac
    Second Grade Freebies

  2. So cute. Our last administrator used to come in & write on our tables with kids. I bout had a heart attack! like you, I was so not used to it, but you're right! The kids think it's great!!!
    Amy Howbert

    Little Miss Organized

  3. I love this idea too! I think it will be perfect when we review subtraction with regrouping just like Casey said. I usually do this at the end of the year with sight words- using pencils on the desk and then use shaving cream to clean it. But it always feels wrong.

    Apples and Papers

  4. I love your ideas BUT you can just use a wipe board,no?

    1. We sure can . . . and we sure do! But this was spontaneous and boy was it fun! Plus it cut down on time to pass out the boards and collect them. The kids became more interested in actually trying to find the right answers. I don't know that I will do it all the time, but it sure was a good idea for that moment. Try it sometime. . . see what you think!
      Thanks for stopping by!


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