Monday, October 29, 2012

Birthday $ale i$ almo$t over!

Yes today is my BIRTHDAY! and I'm a young 57 year old broad! I spent the day in a very special way. My husband had tickets to the World Series in Detroit with one of his aunts, his brother and his wife. . . So last night while they were FREEZING in the cold, windy, rainy, sad baseball game, his other aunt and I went shopping and had dinner at Olive Garden. MUCH better than being at that ball game!

Today I got to sleep in, was served a delish egg casserole breakfast (not in bed!) for breakfast, went to see Argo (the movie), eat popcorn and all on a day that I didn't have to teach! Wowzer! That's a birthday celebration. Plus being with this part of my family is always so fun. On the way home the sunset was absolutely beautiful. It's funny how Mother Nature can be so harsh and give us "Sandy" and yet also give us a breath taking sunset too!

I wanted to remind you that you have just a few more hours to take advantage of my 20% off sale. I don't have a large amount of items, but what I do have, you just may want at a cheaper price.  So head on over to my TPT store now. . . . before midnight!

Also tomorrow you'll want to head on over to Sara's blog at Miss V's Busy Bees. She is having a huge, no I mean HUGE giveaway starting tomorrow.

You'll see lots of things I'm sure you want. . . and well, . . . I want them too. . . so get included in this giveaway!
And remember just a few hours left in my sale. . . git, git, git over there!


  1. You're so sweet, Patty! I'm absolutely with you on the shopping+dinner rather than freezing at a baseball game... although I love baseball. But still!


    Miss V's Busy Bees

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Happy Birthday!
    Second Grade Perks

  4. Glad your day was wonderful!
    Amy Howbert

    Little Miss Organized

  5. 57 years YOUNG! Sounds like a great day! I'm happy to have found you on one of my blog hops!!
    Growing Firsties

  6. Just dropped over from Sara's giveaway and I'm your 300th follower! Congrats!



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