Friday, September 21, 2012

A $ale! A $ale! A $ale!

It's Fall Sale Time. . . and I'm going to hold a sale too! I'm joining Casey at Second Grade Math Maniac who is leading this sale.

Go to my TPT Store and you'll find everything 20% off starting at Midnight tonight and going Sunday at Midnight. I don't have a lot, but you might want to take a look at my Halloween themed Pumpkin Pronouns made with DJ Inkers clipart. (It's oh. so. cute!)


1 comment:

  1. I totally would have sent you these for FREE!! You are such an awesome commenter on my blog!! Will you pick something else in my "store" and I will email it to you??????
    Please let me know if you get those dang cards to print -- supposedly, the print as image trick works like a charm. :)
    Email me!!!


Thanks for leaving me a comment after grabbing one of my ideas! It's like leaving a tip for a job well done!