Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Back home, but still floating on the waves. . . sort of.

AAAHHHH! I feel much better and ready to face another year of 2nd graders. This week my husband and I took a mini road trip to northern Michigan for a few days. We stayed right on the beach of Lake Huron, and watched the waves come in. . . listened to that sound so I can quickly go their in my memory when I am stressed.
 This is the Ausable River . . . Isn't it beautiful!

We did a lot of walking around town, on the beach and down and UP 272 steps to see the Ausable River. Going down was fine. . . but that UP part was killer. . . I'm not sure, but I suspect my legs will be yelling at me tomorrow!

I was able to watch all of your sales go crazy while I was away. I'm so happy that this sale happened. It sounds like a huge success for so many of you. I know I found a lot of good things for me too!

Tomorrow I'm going to work in my room and tonight I have to unpack and figure out what's next on my to do list.

I just wanted to stop in and say, Yes I'm still stalking you, and Yes, I'm still here, and Yes, I'll be back into making things soon. So don't give up on me. . .

It's just that the "School Thing" is getting in my way. . . imagine that!



  1. What a treasure northern Michigan is!!!! I'm at leelanau as I type!!!!

    Bloggy hugs!!!



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