Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Yesterday, in my Currently, I said that I was LOVING that I got some exciting news but that I couldn't share it with you yet... . .

Well NOW I can. . . .

I know I didn't give you much time to wonder about it, and for some of you, you didn't even know about it. . . but good gracious,  I just couldn't wait!

You see that button over to the right? The one about D.J. Inkers? Well I just love her clip art and I love creating with it. So I made an activity called Fraction Frenzy and they bought it from me and now YOU can buy it from them!!!  Go to DJInkers digital downloads and look for it there.

Isn't that just the BOSS!!! I wasn't sure when it was going to be released, but last night,  I found out that it was and so I wanted to share this link with you, in case YOU too wanted to buy it. I don't have a Teachers Pay Teachers store yet, and I know I can't sell D.J. Inkers there anyway. But this way if you want to buy my activity on fractions this is the perfect place to pick it up. It's only $2.99 and it comes in black and white and color. So you can print the easiest way for your budget!

And if you like it, would you let me know. . . I'm thinking of some other things to sell to them so I need to know if you think it looks valuable or not!



  1. Congratulations! I'm so incredibly happy for you :)
    Stories by Storie

  2. I love DJ Inkers too! We found you through Currently. We are your newest follower! We would love for you to come visit us sometime. http://primarypossibilities.blogspot.com/

  3. Congratulations. That is super exciting :)

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

  4. Patty, that is wonderful news! The activity looks great! Congratulations! I just love DJ Inkers! Happy 4th!

    First Grade Gallery~Lessons for Little Learners

  5. Congratulations on that. I didn't even know that DJ Inkers bought projects that we created for our classrooms. That is soooo good to know. I have sooo many that I have made for my classroom using DJ Inker Fonts and clipart. I am a new follower and a new blogger. Come over sometime to my blog and check it out. It is not very creative yet. I am still learning how to do everything. I will definitely go and check out your fraction activity.

    Mrs Flickinger's Butterfly Oasis


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