Sunday, March 4, 2012

March Is Reading Month + help me get some friends

This is what our building looks like. We have a terrific group of people who love to make our kids get excited about reading. Two of our educational assistants put in many after school hours making these wonderful creations.  Friday after school we asked some high school students to volunteer to help it come together. Thank goodness they need community service hours so they were very willing to help!!!!  We will leave this up for the entire month. The theme is Let Your Imagnination Fly! I'm sorry that this makes the page seem to go on forever, but I thought I could get the pictures to sit side by side. However they didn't want to cooperate!

Now, I have a freebie to give you, but not yet! I really want to get to 50 followers. So if you can spread the word about my blog, when I get 50 friends, I will post an activity for separating syllables, very similar to the one that is posted below. Except this one has words with 3 or more syllables. It's free for everyone. There's no random drawing, no first person to respond. Just get me some friends! Lonely ol' me wants to know more peeps! It would be great to reach 50 sometime this week. We'll see how fast this happens. Thanks a bunch and now, you can enjoy the photos!

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  1. Wow- the pictures are AMAZING!!!!!!!! We're doing a low-key reading month this year... your building looks fabulous! :)

    PS- I have put out a plea for your blog on mine just now... hopefully more people will come check out your awesome pictures! And... no MRA for me this year. This is the first year I haven't gone in four years! :( I had a family commitment already for that weekend. Are you going?

    Mrs. Bainbridge's Blog

    PPS- your new background is the one that I had before I switched to the one I have now! This is the 2nd one you've picked that I had too... great minds!

  2. These look so good! We are just getting started with our decorations! I added you to the Newbie blog list! Hope some others start heading your way soon!
    The Resource(ful) Room

  3. Love the pictures!! You are so close to 50 just a few more. I am sure the linky party will help you out.

    Mrs Poland
    Think, Wonder, & Teach

  4. Love teh pictures! I am already a follower. I just posted about reading in March so I added your link to my post. I hope that helps bring followers to your site.

  5. I followed Christina's advice to come see your blog, and now I am following. Your school looks amazing. How many hours did they put in to make it look that good?

    1. I believe that two of our educational aides put in several hours after school for about a week or more. On Friday, all of us (we have a staff of about 12)stayed till after six. Plus we had high schoolers volunteer. We love decorating for this! So glad you like it!

  6. Your pics have migrated to pinterest, Patty! Imagine my surprise when I see a pin of OUR school!!!

  7. Hello!! I just popped on over from Bainbridge's blog and became your newest follower! :) Beautiful blog, by the way!!

    I absolutely love your Reading Month pictures - If I were your students, I know I'd love being at school everyday!!

    Have a great week :)

  8. Yay!! I'm your 50th follower!! Come check out my blog when you have a chance!


  9. Wow! Your building gets me excited for reading month :) Looking forward to reading your blogs!


Thanks for leaving me a comment after grabbing one of my ideas! It's like leaving a tip for a job well done!