Sunday, February 19, 2012

Michigan hook up

Today many bloggers from around Michigan are getting together in Lansing. I wanted to be there, but I'm in Houston, visiting my daughter and her husband. We are having a great time, and so enjoying some nicer weather....even going barefoot outside! For all of you who made it today, I hope you made plans for another meeting. I will be at that one! Post pictures please! When I return tomorrow, I have some fun things to post, so y'all come


  1. It was super fun, Patty! I hope you'll be able to make it next time... we should carpool!

    Like the new blog design... very spring!


  2. Patty,

    So glad you found my blog! I am your newest follower and I LOVE your design! I kinda' jumped into blogging head first and I am still figuring out my way around, too!

    We are all in this together, don't forget! Let me know how I can help! Can't wait for your next post.
    2nd Grade Paradise


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