Saturday, February 4, 2012

I'm working on it!

Can you tell that I've been playing around and trying new things? Yea! I am teaching myself new things. . . I'm not getting much else done right now, but I'm feeling so much better that my blog doesn't look so bare and boring. I love looking at everyone's cutsy pictures, clipart and attractive blogs. . . let's face it. . . I'm a glitzy girl at heart. . . . no I did not say "Ditzy!" I love sparkle and pizazz! So give me more time, and you just may see this page look better and better.

I've been creating more activities and want to share them, but that part of this blog, I still haven't figured out. Some one please tell me what I'm looking for! What is the word or the title that tells me that this is what I click on to add a document or a picture of what I've made. The winner who shares that info with me, will be able to use my creation! That is IF you like what I've made!!! 

Oh, and by the way. . . . (do you notice that I'm an elipse or is it elypse? person?) I want to thank my new friends. . . yes, that's you 4 who have braved the unknown world to watch me from birth! I so appreciate your encouragement and support. I don't know you, (although Holly and I seem to have mutual friends. . . I guess I better watch what I say. .. who knows who you know that I know!) but you make me feel like I know you.

Thanks. . . 

Stay tuned. . .

It will get better. . ..

I hope!


  1. Lookin' good! Looking real good - you're a techie!!!!

    Here's an awesome tutorial on Hadar's blog - Miss Kindegarten. Honestly, I think if you watch it, you'll get it.

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  2. I came by to say hi and welcome to blog land and then I see my name! lol...thanks Holly :) Did it help?? I'm a new follower :)

    Miss Kindergarten
    My Fabulous Finds


Thanks for leaving me a comment after grabbing one of my ideas! It's like leaving a tip for a job well done!