Saturday, February 11, 2012

Can You Relate?

I am pretty sure that most of you have gone through what I'm going through right now. . . come on now. . .. admit it. .. . You know who you are. . . .

I have looked at and changed my blog . . . oh. . . maybe a few gazillion times in the last week. . . . please PLEASE tell me that I'm not alone!

Am I the only one who keeps checking everyone else's out and seeing what they have, visiting their designers, trying out some freebies, messing up what I had, trying to put it back together againg. . . . the right way. . ..

Only to forget how to do it all!!! SHEEESH!

I'm trying not to be too "Scotch" and am willing to put some money into this, but I don't want to do that if there are free things out there. Is anyone willing to share with me?

And then there's the other part that makes my heart sparkle.. . . when I see that someone comments on something I wrote! Wow! Why does that have so much affect on me? Is my psychie that low that I need all kinds of boosts? I didn't think so. . .but everytime someone comments, or adds themselves to my followers I get all goosebumpy inside!

AND THEN it gets even better when the famous bloggers who I have been following since the fall, start commenting or following me. . . .then I feel over the top!

I guess that's why all of this is happening right now at Valentine's week.

Everyone is making everyone else feel really good right now. So thanks for including me in this. I do feel so loved and love being part of a group who is so dedicated to children. .. . yes even those who moved in last week and who make our lives just a tad miserable until they learn to follow along like the others.

I would love to hear how you felt when you first started blogging and how you found help to get your blog the way you have it now. I have watched a video that Hadar (thank you so much!) made about attaching my activities. Are there others out there that are just as helpful?

Happy Saturday night to you!



  1. Hehe :) I can relate! I get all excited when I see I have an e-mail saying I have a comment.

    And then when some of the comments are from my bloggy idols...I may or may not let out a shriek or have a silly grin on my face :)

    Journey of a Substitute Teacher

  2. Your blog is cute and blingy! I love dotty dot dot blogs (I see you do too) I also like the cutest blog on the block blog backgrounds.

    I get so excited when amazing teacher bloggers follow me/comment...but am still waiting for some of my blogging superstars.... I also love having stuff from my blog post.

    Chickadee Jubilee

  3. I did the SAME thing, Patty, until I found Dreamlike Magic Designs and bought my current template! I was only changing my blog layout every... oh... 10 minutes or so for the first week! :)

    I like the bling you are rocking now!

    Mrs. Bainbridge's Blog

  4. Oh my goodness! Rewind back to last May and this post could have been written by me word for word!! Seriously!!

    You'll find what you like eventually. My blog went through a bazillion changes before I found what I liked. It's hard because there is such cute stuff out there but you want to look original.

    Oh, and I still get all excited when big "famous" bloggers comment on mine too! ha!

    Sunny Days In Second Grade


Thanks for leaving me a comment after grabbing one of my ideas! It's like leaving a tip for a job well done!