Sunday, November 29, 2015

Sale Time!

Get your shopping carts filled up! Tomorrow and Tuesday you may shop to your heart's content!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

DJ Inkers Winner

Congratulations to Chanda!

Chanda, You will be hearing from DJ Inkers and they will send you a lovely bunch of cool clipart plus two fonts.

Thank you all for entering and giving such great suggestions for new clipart.

Monday, November 23, 2015

One Last Day!

There's only one more day to enter to win a large amount of clip art from DJ Inkers. There's over 350 pieces of clipart here, folks! So don't delay! Enter today! Tuesday after Midnight will be too late!

This is just part of the clipart available. . . and it's also a freebie that you can grab. Just remember to leave some good feedback. . . what the heck, it's free!
Click on my TPT store on the right hand side to go to my store.

Click HERE to go to the post where you can enter the giveaway. Remember if you click that you will leave a comment, you need to leave a comment. It will not count if you don't leave a comment. 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

DJ Inker Giveaway For the Holidays!

My dear friends at DJ Inkers are getting all ready for the Christmas season. They have many specials going on and one big one YOU will love!

First, it's nearly time for DJ Inker's annual 12 Holly Daze celebration!!!  Don't miss these HUGE 24 hour SALES, NEW holiday products... and even DAILY FREEBIES!  The festivities begin Friday, November 27, 2015

Be sure to check in with them at DJ Inkers each day to see all the fun. 

 Sign-up for their weekly e-newsletter list to join in the fun!  Here's the email newsletter sign up link

Join DJ's Email List!

 I'm so grateful to DJ Inkers for allowing me to give one of these away. I wish all of you could win it.
So enter and cross your fingers!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Talking Sticks To Get Your Kids Talking!

 Laura Candler  graciously let me review one of her products. Since I was teaching kindergartners at the time, I chose this product. It was one she suggested and it really hit the nail on the head. In that class there were those kids who always volunteered (or shouted out of turn!) to answer a question. I needed to get to those kids who sat back and didn't have much to say, or who were just playing around. I wanted them to be more apart of the discussion. 

Click on the picture to find this in Laura's store.

Talking Sticks suggests giving every child 3 popsicle sticks
(you could use other kinds of sticks if that's better for you).

For our first time doing this I gave my kiddos 2 talking sticks.

I read the book called Thanksgiving at the Tappletons by Eileen Spinelli

Click the picture to buy it on Amazon. (The cover has been updated!)

     They were excited to hold the talking sticks!

I read the entire story to them. In this session I am using the Reading Response Questions For Kindergarten. ( She also has Book Discussion, Informational Text, and Literature prompts.)

 I read the discussion prompts that Laura's packet includes. 

They think and think about what they want to say. Then I call on someone to answer the question. I collect their stick when they give me their answer.  I also call on a few others, because there is usually more than one answer that will work. 

Then I continue with other discussion prompts. 

I call on those who still have both of their talking sticks. Sometimes you have to encourage them to think about an answer that would fit that prompt. 
(Wait time is good!)

There are several other prompts that you can use and some might fit your story better than others. 

Kindergartners can't sit for very long, so I decided that the next time I do it with Kinders, I will put their names on the two sticks. Then if we don't have time to get to everyone, I will collect the unused sticks and start with them for the next story.

I believe that if you try Laura Candler's Talking Sticks program you too will see that most of those reluctant speakers will find their voice to add to your discussions.

There are Talking Sticks for other grades too. 
Click the picture to go to the 5th Grade Talking Sticks. 
Click the picture to go to the 4th Grade Talking Sticks.

Click the picture to go to the 3rd Grade Talking Sticks.

Click the picture to go to the 2nd Grade Talking Sticks.

Click the picture to find the 1st Grade Talking Sticks

If you want to know more about what Laura Candler has to offer, you can read about her Place Value Activity in this post.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Pick 3 Top Pinterest Picks

I'm joining a few friends to celebrate the month of November. Each of us will be picking 3 things we can use in our classrooms this month. I hope that you will find some cool things that you can also use in your class.

Thanksgiving Fun Packet by Kim's Creations

Roll, Say, and Keep  by Differentiation Station Creations

Thanksgiving Extravaganza by Hollie Griffith